back when i had health insurance we had a pond at work that i would raise crawdads in. some grew up to be monsters. this one was a monster the day i caught him and he actually got bigger.
beacons for some icecream headaches and out to pala for the first grinds in a long time.
in feb of 2008 i went to UBI in ashland and took their cromoly brazing class and the tig weekend too. it was rad. learned how to fillet braze and silver braze lugs. how to miter tubes accurately with a file and all around good shop practices and tricks with a minimum of power tools. it didnt hurt that the ashland skatepark was just around the corner and a few bars too.
becker got into the fun too. it got kind of out of control once the air shock and flamethrowers happened.
my little brother had just smashed the rear of his beach cruiser and i was a bored 18 year old who had just seen jesse james on tv so i went to sears and got a 200 dollar wire feed and got to work. cut the plates for that rear arm with a grinding wheel out of 1/8th inch. that took a long time.
Friday, March 5, 2010
bad wrist in a cast again. gunna be the right one this time. as soon as the cast kit comes in the mail.